Fitness Blender Reviews Raves - Feedback from our Viewers

     Each day we get a lot of really motivating, incredibly encouraging feedback from you guys. We wanted to compile a list of just a small sampling of all of the kind words that you’ve shared with us – the words that have kept us working hard for you guys.

We know that this is a long post but we think too much of a good thing will be okay just this once.

Fitness Blender Reviews, raves & feedback:

Love this site! It's like having a personal trainer at home :O)

This is freaking amazing!!! Nicely explained & easy! I can feel my body being healthy again already! Woo hoo! Thanks so much for this!!!

Fitness Blender has given me hope for my future health.

Hey, nice work!! I'm actually a very fit guy whose schedule is getting tighter and tighter, gotta say your vids are helping a great deal in keeping fit and rock!! All the way down to Mexico! Congrats!

I don't think that I can every thank you guys enough for posting soooooo many incredible work outs for free! It truly has helped me so much in working out and I always look forward to a new video! Thank you again, I use FitnessBlender almost everyday! :)

You guys have great videos, the kind that other folks charge us for. We'd have to buy so and so's fitness DVD set to get the kind of stuff you give us for free! Thank you very much!!!

Have to say that Fitness Blender is amazing. I'm not workout shy, I workout 6 days a week, but with FB, I'm able to change my routine as soon as I feel the boredom, familiarity kick, I sweat like a mule with FitnessBlender which is's invigorating.

These are fantastic workouts they really work, I love the variety so I never get bored! Thank you for sharing them and my butt thanks you too ha ha :)

I love this so much! I always feel more energetic when I do this, and at the end when it says "workout complete" I feel so accomplished!! hahaha :) thank you!

I'll never get bored with my workouts when I have you two pumping out all this sweaty awesomeness!! Woo Hoo!

Hi, I've been known to give up easily on challenging exercises and never stick to any exercise vids before but since I discovered your vids, I've been doing them almost daily even though they're far too challenging for my fitness level. I think it's because of the combination of watching a superfit hot girl working out and hearing the sexy voice of the male instructor that got me hooked. Thanks for the uploads!

I hope this is the right place to post "kudos"; I have shared almost every single video here on facebook and praise your youtube channel daily! Thank you so, so much for the free videos, the helpful hints, and lack of annoying music/super-hyper personalities. I've received so many compliments since starting your routines almost four months ago.

I cant thank you enough for the are helping tons of people including myself and besides them being amazeballs, I just wanted to be grateful. I'm a Fitness Blender girl FOR LIFE:)

...Y'all are angels TRANSFORMING LIVES, one body at a time! There are so many folks who have no access to a gym, or prefer to workout in the privacy of their own homes! You are true catalyst for CHANGE and I applaud you for that!

You guys really helped me back in summer time for off season hockey training! THANK YOUUU!

Fitness Blender gives us hope :)

I've watched this so much I can imitate your voice and thanks sooo much the results are amazing.....

Hey guys! Everyday I have an hour for lunch, so I shut the door to my office and do this work out. It’s awesome!

OK NOW seriously I need to say this. I have ______, _______, and ________ (fitness programs) but never actually stick to them more than a few days coz I get bored and quit. Your exercises on the other hand have something to them :o the background is white so I can focus, they have perfect time length, you both are in great shape and Kelli has THE perfect body for girl which is really a great motivation to push (she is just so natural and womanly not super muscular), the workouts are doable and at the same time they are killer, I have been telling my friends since I found your channel and everyone loves u, keep up the great work, :)

I've tried about 4 of the workouts, and I have a weekly plan alternating some HIIT workouts, cardio ones as well as toning weight loss ones and I absolutely follow your advice on doing an am and pm workout. This is me best one so far, I love it. Absolutely challenging and absolutely doable. It works up a sweat and I feel the fat coming off, lol I'm 5kg and a couple months of Fitness Blender workouts to my goal. A lifetime of healthy eating and Fitness Blender is ALL one needs. God bless you guys:)

Excellent workout! Thank you. As a former boxer I must say that this kind of cardio is best for speed, power and endurance, plus you will learn some self-defence moves. Please do more martial arts-inspired workouts.

I have 2 small kids and wanted to get into better shape but a gym isn’t practical for me. I found you guys and added you on facebook. I do the workouts you post daily. I’m not going to lie. I huffed and puffed and took lots of breaks though a few of your workouts. Today I made it all the way through. Yay me! LOL Thanks guys!

Hands down the BEST workouts on you tube! No irritating music or instructors...straight forward directions with rest and adjustment time between exercises. LOOOOOOOOVE YOU GUYS!

I want to tell you thank you. As a severely obese 400+lbs I started using your low impact cardio and full body low impact chair work outs (under my doctors knowledge). He thinks the workouts are great, so do I. I know with Gods help, time and your easy to fallow enjoyable videos I will succeed. Thank you this almost 40 year old young lady is so grateful.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting all these wonderful videos for free! I just finished this video, and the Ab and Oblique video, and I feel absolutely amazing! I can't wait to do more tomorrow. You two are GREAT and Kelly you are my inspiration. Hopefully one day soon I will get rocking abs and booty like you =) Thank you again!

OMG I just did this and I can feel my fat crying all over my body! LOL

This was great! I love the voiceover; it makes me feel like I have a personal trainer with me. You guys are awesome.

Hi there I found your channel recently I subscribed immediately, your routines are great and effective, I am really appreciated thanks for taking the time and effort to upload such videos for free your fan from Malaysia..

Your videos are amazing.... love love love working out to them!!!!! Keep posting videos... THANKS !!!!!!

Amazing video! I have been working out to cardio for years and I must say, this workout has never made me sweat so much!

This really beat the crap out off me! Thanks so much!! :)

Via :


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