FBI Fitness Test Training - FBI PFT Workout Program

The FBI has a particularly rigorous PFT that must be passed in order to make the ranks and become “one of America’s finest”. The FBI Fitness Test might have high standards, but the job is one that is not particularly forgiving when it comes to daily demands and high intensity situations, either. If you want the prestige of the position, you’ve got to prove yourself by passing the FBI PFT.

The test calls for a well rounded level of fitness that is without any weak spots. In other words, if you’re just a cardio junkie, you’re likely going to struggle to pass the test. On the flipside, if all your workouts consist of is building massive muscles, you are also going to have trouble passing the test and landing that dream career as an FBI agent.

In order to do well on the FBI physical test, you’re going to have to have mastered these three elements of fitness:

• Strength
• Stamina
• Speed

Here’s the general gist of what makes up the actual FBI fit test score:

• 1.5 Mile Run (timed)
• 1 Minute Situps Challenge
• Timed Sprint – 300 Meter Dash
• Pushup Challenge; to exhaust (untimed)
-If you pass all aspects of the test and are admitted into the academy, another fitness challenge is added that scores you on the number of Pull Ups that you can complete, though this is not a pass/fail part of the program.

As you can see from the items on the FBI Fit Test, strength, endurance, and speed are all necessary to get into the academy.

Here’s a weekly workout plan that will help you prepare to pass the challenge.

Day 1
• Warm up: 15 Minutes light cardio
• Workout: 10 Minute High Intensity Interval Training Workout (HIIT) + 8 Minute Abs Workout Routine
• Cool Down: 10 -15 Minutes light cardio
How this will help you pass the test: The HIIT workout takes you to your cardio threshold quickly and increases your cardiovascular capacity by using demanding plyometric moves. The short abs workout develops comprehensive abdominal strength.

Day 2
Warm up: 5 Minutes walking
Workout: 4 Mile Run – Walk it with jogging intervals or jog it with sprinting intervals – do what you need to to push your fitness level and log those 4 miles
30 Minute Upper Body Strength Routine
Cool Down: Stretch
Whatever your fitness level, use those 4 miles to push yourself with intermittent intervals to build both speed and endurance for the timed 1.5 miles of the FBI PFT. The upper body strength routine will help prepare you for elements of the FBI fit test, i.e. the pushups and pullups

Day 3
Rest, or low intensity cardio

Day 4
Warm up: 10 Minutes light cardio
Workout: FB Lower Body Plyometric Workout (complete just one round)
Hit the Treadmill: 30 Minute Sprinting Interval Workout to Boost Endurance
Cool Down: Stretch
Both of these workouts will have you gasping for air; better now than during the big test.

Day 5
1 Hour of any physical activity you enjoy; playing sports, hiking, brisk walking, or swimming are all adequate examples.

Day 6
Rest, or low intensity cardio

Day 7
Use the Fitness Blender Physical Fitness Test on the last day of each week of training in order to gauge your progress and get a good idea of how you might score on the FBI PFT.
The Fitness Blender Fit Test is a challenging workout itself. Make sure to push yourself, and to record your scores on each section.

Don’t wait until the last minute to start your FBI Fitness Test training; give yourself ample time to prepare in a way that doesn’t force you to “cram”, because that can result in avoidable injuries and muscle strains.

The good news is that all of the “studying” for the physical part of the test will enhance your focus and brain power for the paper and pen part of the exams.

Full Length Workout Videos

Via : https://followrobyn.blogspot.com


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