Running in the Rain: What Running Rain Gear do I Need?

Taking a running routine outdoors is a great way to prevent boredom and break up the monotony of a treadmill workout. However if you live in an area with frequent nasty weather days, preparing yourself to brave the outdoors wisely can help maintain the habit. After all, the last thing we all need is a reason not to workout.

Follow these steps to keep your outdoor routine enjoyable and safe.

Invest in quality running rain gear and outdoor clothes.
The most important component of exercising in inclement weather is the gear; a waterproof jacket and shoes are a must in order to keep dry during a run. Light jackets that move easily with the body are essential gear that will help keep you comfortable. Make sure that your waterproof running shoes have good traction in order to prevent avoidable slips and injuries.

Dress in layers.
Dressing in layers can help a runner to easily adjust once body temperature rises. Also look for clothes that have zippered vents such as jackets that have zippered vents in the arm pits, pants that have zippered vents on the inside thigh or even cloths that have sleeves or legs that zip on and off to help you adjust your body temperature with out becoming unnecessarily exposed to the elements.

If it’s cool outside as well as wet, consider wearing waterproof gloves to keep fingers from getting too cold. Wearing a baseball cap can even provide a shield to protect eyes from inclement weather.

To accommodate damp, moderately warm days, consider treating the fabric of lighter clothes with wash-in water repellant that will maintain breathability of clothing without providing any unnecessary weight or warmth.

Wear brightly colored gear with reflective strips.
The last and most important part of taking a routine outside is to be more aware of surrounding traffic. The weather may make it harder for drivers to see if the rain is heavy and the skies are overcast.

Wearing brightly colored gear with reflective strips can make a person more visible to drivers, even on the nastiest of days.

How brave are you with your routine when it comes to nasty weather? How often do you brave a downpour?

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