Killer Jump Rope Workout: 20 Minute Home Toning and Cardio Routine

It seems like the more obese our country gets, the more fitness products and equipment we have to choose from. Our methods for staying trim and healthy keep getting unnecessarily complicated and diluted.
(Original printable routine below)

How to do this routine: This is a short, intense home workout that combines intervals of cardio, using a jump rope, with bodyweight strength training moves. Starting with the warm-up, do each section of the routine, either going full gusto with the jumping rope, or doing each bodyweight exercise for a full 60 seconds–or until exhaust. If you can’t make it for the full round for any of the bodyweight toning exercises, simply stop for a few seconds until you have caught your breath before going directly back into the movement until you complete the rest of that specific part of the routine.

Jump Rope & Toning Workout

Two min warm-up: Jog in place while jumping rope

Minutes 2-3: Two Foot Hop while jumping rope

Minutes 3-4: Push Ups; start with the hardest version of push-ups that you can manage. Once your muscles have tired move onto the next easiest version. Repeat this digression in push-up difficulty until the full 60 seconds is complete.

Minutes 4-6: High Knees, alternating, while jumping rope

Minutes 6-7: Russian Twists (Level 1 Level 2); using the regression in difficulty).

Minutes 7-8: Single foot jump rope hop (left foot)
Minutes 8-9: Single foot jump rope hop (right foot)

Minutes 9-10: Sumo Squats

Minutes 10-12: Jog in place, while jumping rope

Minutes 12-13: Flutter Kicks

Minutes 13-14: Two Foot Hop, while jumping rope

Minutes 14-15: Pilates Leg Pulls (Level 1 Level 2), alternating

Minutes 15-16: High Knees, while jumping rope

Minutes 16-17: Alternating Lunges

Minutes 17-19: Jog in place, while jumping rope

Minutes 19-20: Supine Push Up

Cool Down and Stretch

*Remember, if you must take a rest while completing the 60 second long repetitions of an exercise, make those breaks as short as possible in order to burn the most calories and most fully push your muscles and cardiovascular threshold.

This home toning and cardio routine burns roughly 200-240 calories, depending on a number of factors such as gender, weight, muscle content and existing fitness level. To increase the length of the workout and the number of calories burned, you can always get brave and do the entire thing twice through.

Jumping rope workouts are a fantastically cheap and effective way to get your heart rate up when you don’t want to go to the gym and it’s too nasty to workout outside. For as little as $6 - $10 you can buy a jump rope that provides a serious, calorie burning cardiovascular workout that tones the legs, shoulders, glutes and more, and it stores away out of sight easily. Throw in a few different bodyweight exercises and you’ve got a workout that you can easily do in your living room, the office, or a hotel room.

More jump rope based workouts:
Jumping Rope Cardio Boot Camp
10 Min Fat Blasting Jump Rope Workout

Via :


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