Home Upper Body Workout Plan: Get Rid of Flabby Arms Fast

These arm toning exercises will get rid of flabby arms fast. This 20 minute routine also burns a fast 200 calories thanks to all of the cardio intervals.

This home upper body workout plan can be done in your living room, and requires almost no equipment; you only need dumbbells or a resistance band (due to the high number of repetitions, you could probably even use a can of soup or a water bottle).

Workout Structure:
Do each of these bodyweight exercise for 60 seconds, with 20 seconds of rest in between. For most fitness levels, one full minute of each of these exercises is difficult. By the end of a full minute of some of these moves, your muscles will be shaking and it will be difficult to do another repetition.

Keep pushing yourself, completing as many of the reps as you can in the 60 seconds; it’s okay to slow down a bit if you have to. If you have to stop to take a break, just make sure to jump back in as soon as you can to complete the full minute. The cardio intervals are meant to give the arm muscles a break and increase the heart rate (as well as caloric burn and metabolism).

Jumping Jacks


Bicep Curls

High Knees (Level 1) (Level 2)

Bent over Row

Tricep Dips

Lateral Jumps (Level 1) (Level 2)

Arm Circles (30 seconds in each direction)


Plank Extensions

Cool down

Complete this routine twice through for a twenty-minute workout routine that blasts calories, provides allover body toning, and helps with toning flabby arms. Do the hardest version of the exercise that you can while maintaining proper form (notice that when you click on an exercise, there are multiple difficulty levels in the right hand margin of the video).

If you prefer watching videos to printable text-versions of routines, be sure and check out Fitness Blender's home workout videos. As is true of everything on our site, they're cost and gimmick free, and they work.

Via : https://followrobyn.blogspot.com


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