From Depressed And Single To Confident And Ripped

Michael Jeffries never felt right in his own skin. He was 27 years old, overweight, and was struggling with the fact that his band broke up. He felt lonely.

'I was a bit depressed with that,' he told Daily Mail Australia. 'I drank a fair bit, ate a fair bit.'

He let himself go and the pounds were starting to rack up -- something that didn't help his struggle with depression. This continued until his body weight peaked at 236 pounds. Something had to give.

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He told Unilad in an interview:

I was hating the person I would see in the mirror! I was embarrassed to wear any tight clothes, or to be topless at the beach or pool.

I was sick of the fat jokes and it got to a point where I thought enough was enough I decided I needed to make a change, and I haven’t looked back since!

The firs thing that went was alcohol. He started to hit the gym and lift weights. He fell in love with the feeling of lifting heavy. As soon as he hit a wall and couldn't progress, he asked a coach for help. He was given a personalized eating plan and fitness regiment.

In a matter of months, Michael managed to shed an impressive 60 pounds. 

But there was something that remained in the back of his mind. The excess skin left behind from losing this impressive amount of weight became a real burden to him. It made him feel self-conscious. Here's how he explained it to Unilad:

After losing the weight I still had the skin sagging down below my waist line which made it hard for me to see how much progress I’ve really made! I would have people say to me ‘oh wow you’ve done so well you much have so much confidence now’ but the truth was I didn’t!

Before I was embarrassed by my weight but then I became embarrassed about my saggy skin, so to have the confidence I thought I should have after losing the weight I thought I needed to have the tummy tuck!

Operation Thailand

He wanted all of his confidence back and fully appreciate the amazing results of his weight-loss journey. He decided to travel to Thailand for a tummy tuck. 

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He was advised that there would be significant scarring left behind by the operation, but he was dead set on ending up with a flat stomach, whatever it took.

But after doing a little research and being told my surgeon (Dr Pornthep) was one of the best in the world my nerves went away and I was just excited to have the operation done so I could move on with my life and finally be happy within myself.

After the surgery, he is finally feeling 100%. His confidence has sky-rocketed, and he is already planning on competing in bodybuilding competitions within the next couple of years.

Michael's inspiring story is testament to the fact that if you put your mind to something, it will pay off. While cosmetic surgery is not necessary in a majority of cases, it highlights the importance of being happy in your own body.

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