Four Ways Your Body Changes After 30
There are some things that get better with age. Wine, for starters. Cheese, arguably. Some of the best football quarterbacks in the game (here’s looking at you, Tom Brady). But for most guys, your health isn’t on that short list. With age, the narrative usually looks a tad more serious starting in your 30s when compared to your 20s. You start to realize that your body’s responding differently to eating a full pizza pie on Sundays with the guys, and you just can’t seem to handle that next-day hangover like back in your college glory days.
“Most men will have to do more to stay well, starting in their thirties, says Steven Lamm, MD, professor of medicine and director of the Tisch Center for Men’s Health at NYU Langone Health. “The body ages and every organ is changing. For many, the changes are so subtle that we don’t appreciate the slight decline in performance. Take your eyes, for example. It becomes pretty obvious when you need glasses at age 40 because that’s something that’s so easily measured. But what’s going on with your eyes is very subtly going on in other organs. I’m not trying to be negative, but it’s just the facts.
Don’t be alarmed, fellas. Knowing what’s going on in your body is the first step to aging better (and, with more grace). Here, we go through four of the changes your body will start to go through after turning 30.
1. Your Athletic Performance Shifts
The ability to build muscle after age 25 starts to decline, says Lamm. This is because your body isn’t able to bring oxygen to the muscles at the same high rate, thanks to a slight decline in cardiac output, which means they can’t repair as fast. Translation? Maybe, that 250-pound back squat you were hitting at 24 won’t be the same at 40. Â
“That doesn’t necessarily mean that the man who is 40 can’t perform at a high level, he says. “Some aspects of different sports come from experience. A pitcher at age 35 can outduel a 20-year-old because he’s spent time on the mount learning the game.

2. Your Sexual Performance Shifts
Remember what life was like in your teenage years? You were ready to do the deed at any given moment and had zero problems getting an erection? As you age, testosterone production decreases, and your ability to keep things just isn’t the same. In turn, your sex drive decreases. But, like the successful athlete, keep in mind that you’ve been around the block a few times by now. Relish in the idea that you’re good at what you do, even if you’re not doing it every hour on the hour.

3. Your Metabolism Slows Down
If you’re 200 pounds at age 20 and 200 pounds at age 30, it’s likely that you’re less fit at 30. That’s because you’ve lost muscle mass. Metabolism slows down with age, which means that you won’t be able to eat as much and maintain the same body, says Lamm. “Mitochondria don’t work as well, which means you’re not able to burn as many calories. A quick tip to keep things firing? Drink up — water, that is. Research shows that drinking 16 ounces of room-temperature water can boost metabolism for about a half hour within 10 minutes of consumption.

4. You Become Less Flexible
First things first, sitting at a desk day-in and day-out isn’t helping anyone. As you get older, you’re less likely to be as active as you were as a member of that young professional’s intramural team. And when you decrease your activity levels, you lose some of the range of motion in your joints you once had. Keep things malleable by incorporating 10 minutes of stretching first thing in the morning once you get out of bed. Bonus: research says that getting bendy can also help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

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